Saturday, June 27, 2015




Thank you guys soooo much for all the support, so since you guys have given me that HUGE amount of subs.. I decided we would have A CONTEST :D

To enter, you will need to make a video with the theme of summer. Then , P.M us your video! :)

You will need to watch the video for more information! This contest ends on July 22nd... so that is a long time for you to enter!

I love you all and again, thank you so much for 400 subscribers <3

Love, Mickey

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Music Book Printable For AG Dolls

Hi guys !! Its Mickey and today, I will be giving you guys some printables for your AG dolls and it is some MUSIC BOOKS !!!!

For the tutorial, make sure to check at :    

Here are the printables : ( Right click on the image, then click download to download the printables, MAKE SURE TO ADJUST THE SIZE TO FIT YOUR DOLL :)


Hey guys XD It's me Mickey from agloviesparkles !!!! Sorry for no post in a LONG time !! But I came up with something special and I think you guys will enjoy them !! ITS A GRACE THOMAS BAKERY TUTORIAL !!!!

 I got inspired by the first time I saw the bakery but the price of it is CRAZY !!!! $500 !!! So just for $5 ( everything was made of cardboard ) you can create your OWN bakery without spending tons of money :D !!!!

OF COURSE OUR BAKERY IS NOT AS GOOD AS THE AMERICAN GIRL ONE BUT I THOUGHT WE'VE GOT A BIG BOX AND THIS COST 100 TIMES LESS THE MONEY SO YEA ! WHY NOT ???  But if you have enough money to afford an AG bakery, I also recommend it :) !! Though my bakery looks not as good as the original version but at least I had fun! It's always meaningful when you created something that worth it !!

Here I'll show you the pictures of the American Girl GOTY 2015 Grace Thomas Bakery AND Agloviesparkles Homemade Bakery !!!

1. Grace Thomas GOTY 2015 Bakery ( Cost : $500 )
2. Agloviesparkles Homemade Inspired Grace Thomas Bakery ( Cost : $5 )

Thank you for visiting our website! Have a nice day :D

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

100 Subscribers Giveaway !?!

Yay ! 100 subbies ! Thanks for ALL of your awesomeness ! So I decide we should have a GIVEAWAY ! It is free of course ! :)
To be enter, you need to comment on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL 100 SUBS GIVEAWAY VIDEO!
The link to the video :
Here is the video !

Contest Rules :
1. Must have your Parents Permission
2. Must live in U.S.A
3. Be a subscriber !
4. Must be promise to be doing an opening video
5. Comment down below : Please enter me ! to get 1 tickets
6. Giveaway ends Dec.2
7. Winner will we announce Dec.4

* The winner must PM OR EMAIL me their address *

Way to get more tickets entry ?

WAY 1 : Make a video tell other people specific about this giveaway or my channel ! Just some second ! - 2 tickets -
WAY 2 : Share & like this video - 1 ticket -

Enjoy !

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Doll Size Macbook Air Printables

Hey guys ! I planned and made some Macbook Air Printables ..... Hope you guys enjoy !
Don't forget to subscribe to us :

How To Print Our Printables- 5 Easy Steps !
1- Click on the pictures you want to print
2- Save your images
3- Open it in Microsoft Office
4- Make it smaller or bigger of your choice on Microsoft Office
5- Print it out !

Macbook Air Printable #1
 Macbook Air Printable #2
 Macbook Air Printable #3

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Dollie And Me - SALE ALL THE WAY TO 70% OFF !

OMG guys ! Check this out ! These are outfit for you and your doll ! They are really cheap because they are on sale ! However this is a great gift for your daughters or granddaughter , too !
I love how they match and they are BEAUTIFUL ! They only cost $19 - $27
1. Active Wear
Black & White Stripe Heart Dress & Doll Dress - Toddler & Girls
2. Pjs : 
Pink Ballerina Pajama Set & Doll Outfit - Toddler & Girls
Check out if you want to :|1411331674380

Review On Our Homemade Snack Cart ( 30 SUBS !!! )

Finally it is up ! My mom and my dad also help me build this and it take me about 5 days to do all of the stuff ! Please watch :)

 Want to make one for your doll ? Check this awesome turtorial out :
by My Froggy Stuff
I love My Froggy Stuff ... her crafts are all AWESOME